The Aging Athlete – Fall Prevention
Fall Prevention - The Aging Athlete Nejin Chacko Have you had a fall in the past year? Do you feel unsteady when standing or walking? Do you worry about falling? If you answered YES to any of the above three questions you may be...
The Aging Athlete 2 – Dr. Breanna
Boost your Immunity Today!
Boost Your Immunity - Stay Healthy This Cold and Flu Season. I am not a physician, naturopath or a nutritionist, but I get asked all the time by my patients about what they can do to help themselves stay healthy. These days - I talk about steps to boost their...
Cold Weather Running – Brrrrrr…..
Cold Weather Running Adequate awareness and precautions are...
How Osteopathy Can Help During Pregnancy
Osteopathy and Pregnancy By: Brock Palma, B.Kin, Osteopathy (Current...
When Should I Come Back for Massage?
Booking Your Follow-Up: Stefanie Moser R.Kin, RMT CAT(C) -...
Desk Ergonomics 101 – Making your work life a little easier!
Desk Ergonomics Correct sitting posture is essential for minimizing...
Post-Concussion Syndrome – I forget if that’s what I had…
Nick Halkidis's take on the topic: Today’s hot topic is concussions...
To Squat or Not To Squat?
Knee pain and knee injuries are very common among all ages and does...
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