Athletic Therapy: Not Just for Athletes
Athletic Therapy: Not Just for Athletes Brett Nagata, A.T.@A.C - Vol.1 When people hear the term "athletic therapist" they often picture a professional working on thesidelines of a sports game, tending to injured athletes. While this image isn't entirely...
Healing Hands
Healing Hands: How Osteopathy alleviates headachesHeadaches can be debilitating, affecting millions of people worldwide. Whether it’s tension headaches from stress, migraines triggered by specific stimuli, or cervicogenic headaches stemming from neck issues, the pain...
2023 Holiday Newsletter
Back Pain and Breathing Dysfunction by Nejin Chacko
The ability to breath in (inspiration) and out (expiration)...
Communication is the Key by Jordan Katz
Communication is the key! When working with a physiotherapist, there...
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness and Massage by Sean Li (RMT)
Have you ever worked out, went to sleep, and felt sore the next day?...
Don’t let the injury bug bite your team before playoffs
Hey Coach, Has your team been affected by the injury bug yet? With...
Sinusitis – How Osteopathy can help!
How Can Osteopathy Help with Sinus Congestion? By: Brock Palma B....
Dust off the shovel – Winter is coming…
Snow Shovelling Safety Unfortunately, winter is just around the...
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Sat: 8AM – 3PM
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