
Staying on Track with Your New Year’s Fitness Resolution: Tips to Power Through February

A.T.@ A.C. Vol. 11Brett Nagata, Certified Athletic TherapistReflecting on the First Month Start by...

Top 10 Tips for Safe Weightlifting in Sports Training

By Aubrey So, PhysiotherapistWeightlifting is a cornerstone of sports training, helping athletes...

5 Essential Warm-Up Routines to Prevent Sports Injuries

Vithujan "V" Thangeswaran, PhysiotherapistWhether you’re a seasoned athlete or just starting your...

Athletic Therapy: Not Just for Athletes

Athletic Therapy: Not Just for Athletes Brett Nagata, A.T.@A.C - Vol.1  When people hear the term "athletic therapist" they often picture a professional working on thesidelines of a sports game, tending to injured athletes. While this image isn't entirely...

Healing Hands

Healing Hands: How Osteopathy alleviates headachesHeadaches can be debilitating, affecting millions of people worldwide. Whether it’s tension headaches from stress, migraines triggered by specific stimuli, or cervicogenic headaches stemming from neck issues, the pain...

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Fri: 8AM -5PM
Sat: 8AM – 3PM


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