Posture Assessments

POSTURAL ASSESSMENT CLINIC w/ JORDAN KATZ – REGISTERED PHYSIOTHERAPIST Over the last few years, we have seen a significant increase in patients attending therapy due to neck, shoulder and back pain.  Many of these complaints could be directly correlated to, or...

Running In Hot Weather

Summer is a great time to run, but an increased body core temperature from heat, humidity, and dehydration resulting from increased sweating can inflict challenging hurdles. Adequate awareness, training, and precaution are important for acclimatization and full...

Three Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing

These are three simple, yet effective, core and hip stability exercises for runners that help to decrease the risk of low back, hip or knee pain and can also help to increase running efficiency. Glute bridge This exercise is designed to target your glutes. Weakness in...

Staying Fit on the Road

Business meetings, client dinners, flight delays… travelling for business can leave you with little time for staying fit.  For most people fitness involves sticking to an established routine, however, if you are someone who travels for business it doesn’t mean you...