Breathing: Try it – it is good for you! As my practice evolves, so do the exercises I prescribe to my patients. Of late, I have been a big proponent of asking my patients to breathe, in-between appointments with me. My journey down this road has come from many...
POSTURAL ASSESSMENT CLINIC w/ JORDAN KATZ – REGISTERED PHYSIOTHERAPIST Over the last few years, we have seen a significant increase in patients attending therapy due to neck, shoulder and back pain. Many of these complaints could be directly correlated to, or...
“Tech Neck” is great for our business but bad for your bones! A condition that is too common these days, with no sign of getting better, is something we can all work on. Due to the advancement of smart devices, and the need that many of us have to be...
The ability to breath in (inspiration) and out (expiration) is driven by the pressure difference between the lungs and the atmosphere. This requires contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm and the muscles in the thorax. During normal relaxed breathing,...
What Is National Physiotherapy Month? National Physiotherapy month occurs every May and is a time to reflect on and promote the Physiotherapy profession. It’s a time to help physiotherapists connect with each other as well as the community and help the public to...