Sinusitis – How Osteopathy can help!

How Can Osteopathy Help with Sinus Congestion? By: Brock Palma B. Kin, Osteopathy (Current Study) With the seasons quickly changing, comes a quick drop in temperature. At this time in the year, the common cold and flu gets spread around very fast, getting individuals...

Dust off the shovel – Winter is coming…

Snow Shovelling Safety Unfortunately, winter is just around the corner, and with it, inevitably comes snow. Although this can be fun to play in, it can be a laborious chore to move and at times can be dangerous and risky. Today I hope to give you some pointers on...

Cold Weather Running – Brrrrrr…..

Cold Weather Running Adequate awareness and precautions are important for the full enjoyment of cold weather running. Frostbite and hypothermia are the most common hurdles that one may come across in cold weather running. Knowing the risk factors and warning signs of...

How Osteopathy Can Help During Pregnancy

Osteopathy and Pregnancy By: Brock Palma, B.Kin, Osteopathy (Current Study)   During pregnancy, there are many physiological and developmental changes and that the maternal body undergoes in order to accommodate a growing fetus. These changes can disrupt the...

When Should I Come Back for Massage?

Booking Your Follow-Up:  Stefanie Moser R.Kin, RMT CAT(C) – Registered Massage Therapist After a great treatment, the obvious next question is, “When should I come back?” The answer depends on many factors, such as your budget, your available time, and most...