How Does Acupuncture Work?

So… How Does Acupuncture Really Work? I get this question just as much as “What is the difference between Athletic Therapy and Physiotherapy?” (Refer to our blog ‘What is Athletic Therapy’ couple of weeks back for the...

May Is National Physiotherapy Month

What Is National Physiotherapy Month? National Physiotherapy month occurs every May and is a time to reflect on and promote the Physiotherapy profession.  It’s a time to help physiotherapists connect with each other as well as the community and help the public to...

Three Exercises Every Runner Should Be Doing

These are three simple, yet effective, core and hip stability exercises for runners that help to decrease the risk of low back, hip or knee pain and can also help to increase running efficiency. Glute bridge This exercise is designed to target your glutes. Weakness in...

To heat or to ice, that is the question!

One of the most common confusions to face patients is whether they should be icing or heating after an injury.  Ice and heat therapy is a common at home self-care strategies that patients use, however, in order to receive the best benefit from your self-treatment it...

Staying Fit on the Road

Business meetings, client dinners, flight delays… travelling for business can leave you with little time for staying fit.  For most people fitness involves sticking to an established routine, however, if you are someone who travels for business it doesn’t mean you...