Athletic Therapy
Athletic Therapy is for EVERYONE
Best known for providing immediate on-field emergency care of professional and national athletes, Athletic Therapists are skilled in returning athletes (of all levels) to competition and maximizing their performance potential as fast as possible after an injury.
We recognize not everyone is an Elite Athlete – Our aim is to treat every individual as if they were. Following the sports medicine model, we provide optimal care options.
Athletic Therapists are very effective in treating the injuries sustained by everyday active Canadians, including:
Injuries from falls, and mishaps
Chronic and recurring conditions such as jumper's knee, tennis elbow & tendonitis
Pre-surgical and post-surgical rehabilitation
Traumatic injuries from sporting events and everyday life
Why see an Athletic Therapist?

Sport / Activities Specific Rehabilitation
Athletic therapists work to identify and address individual needs. Rehabilitation for a tennis player may be different from one person to another, although they have the same shoulder condition diagnosis.
Injury Prevention
Athletic Therapists identify potential risk factors and take proactive measures to prevent injuries and keep you doing the sports and activities you love.
Immediate Care
In the event of an injury, Athletic Therapists are trained to provide immediate care on the field or in a clinical setting. This can include injury assessment, first aid, and the initiation of appropriate treatment protocols.
Return to Play
One of the most important questions Athletic Therapists are asked after an individual sustains an injury is “when can I return to the activity I love?”
Athletic Therapists are highly skilled in knowing when it’s safe to return you back to your favorite activity and in a way that minimizes your risk of re-injury.
Active Rehabilitation
Athletic Therapists are experts in designing activity specific programs tailored to remove any hurdles in your way with a focus on your individual lifestyle and your identified goals.
We can help you get there!
Enhanced Performance
Most people come to see us because of pain or some kind of limitation, be it range of motion or strength defecits.
Some people just want to play better, run faster or not miss days of the activity they love. That’s where Athletic Therapists shine.
We know countless tips and tricks of how to manage your body and your training to keep you in the game and reach new heights.
Plan For Your Visit
Wear loose-fitting and lightweight clothing such as a t-shirt and shorts, or sweat pants.
There is no such thing as a bad question, so come prepared with anything you may be unsure of.
Drink water before and after your appointment to keep hydrated.
We’re Here Whenever You Need Us
Tel: 905-475-0484
Fax: 905-475-8799
Open Hours
Mon – Thurs: 08AM – 07PM
Fri – 08AM-5PM
Sat: 08AM – 03PM
445 Apple Creek Blvd
Suite 103
Markham, ON L3R 9X7